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How Disruptive Marketing Can Help Your Small Business Stand Out

Disruptive marketing is a concept that has gained a lot of attention in recent years. It is a strategy that aims to break through the clutter and noise of traditional marketing methods by using unconventional and unexpected tactics. The goal of disruptive marketing is to capture the attention of potential customers and create a lasting impression.

Disruptive marketing can take many forms, but it often involves using shock, humor, or controversy to grab people’s attention. This type of marketing is not for everyone, and it can be risky. However, when executed correctly, it can be incredibly effective.

Netflix, Amazon, Jio, OYO Rooms, Car rentals, Maruti 800, TATA Nano, are the best disruptive marketing examples, which have changed the game and reset customer expectations through customized marketing. Cut throat competition force you to adopt disruptive market practices. Today customers are king and have power in the hands. If you do not think about your customers, they have options to shift to your competitors.

Tips for Disruptive Marketing Strategy

Follow the points mentioned here while implementing disruptive marketing.

1. Adopt Latest technology

Technology gives customers a personalized and humanized marketing experience. It helps to control the business and at the same time help your customers to be connected with you. Also, customer needs are met at every stage of their journey.

2 Integrated CRM

Integrated or Unified CRMs tracks brand-customer touch points at every stage. Marketers use insights for new marketing experiments in personalized outreach.

3. Expect for failure

You have to prepare yourself for failure due to Disruptive marketing, by its nature. Failure is an integral part of disruptive marketing; take it as a learning experience. When you fall, pick yourself up and move on.

4. Have Confidence in yourself

If you are planning a game-changing strategy, believe in yourself first. Have conviction in your efforts. To successfully implement disruptive marketing, you need confidence, determination, and courage.

5. Tracking is the Key

Tracking at each and every step is the key for success to get the benefits of disruptive marketing.

6. Put yourself in customer’s shoes

What marketing strategy/tactic would have won you over if you were the customer? Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Then frame a strategy that you would react positively to.

7. Learn from Leaders

Learn from innovators within your field, and study tactics that thought leaders have successfully used. Sometimes insights from thought leaders can be the missing link in a revolutionary tactic that puts you head and shoulders ahead of the competition.

8. Know your industry

Different industries need different marketing approaches. What is good for trading may not be good for manufacturing. However, disruptive marketing is not without its risks. If a campaign is too controversial or offensive, it can backfire and damage a brands reputation. Additionally, not all audiences respond well to this type of marketing, and it may not be appropriate for certain industries or products.

In conclusion, disruptive marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses break through the noise and capture people’s attention. However, it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before embarking on a disruptive marketing campaign. When done correctly, disruptive marketing can be a game-changer for brands looking to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Key Takeaways

• Disruptive marketing is about innovation and newness.

• Applied well, the principles of disruptive marketing can lead to disproportionately high ROIs.

• The future of marketing is disruptive marketing.

• Key to the success of disruptive marketing is the technology and standing out from the pack.

• Learn from thought leaders and apply their techniques with a fresh touch.

• A dynamic, changing world demands changes in customer acquisition and retention.

• Why should customers pay attention to your marketing message? Is there something so disruptive in your strategy that forces customers to look up and take notice?

• The sequel to these questions is the understanding that disruptive marketing is here to stay. Only the outstanding will stand out and profit in a world with short attention spans and high competition.

• It’s a matter of out-of-the-box thinking and novel application of promotion. The net result is the possibility of disproportionately ROI.


• 1. What is the first step in a disruptive marketing strategy?

• The first step in a disruptive marketing strategy is customer and competitor research.

• 2. How do I get started with disruptive marketing?

• Study firms that serve your target demographics and psychographics and study their successful disruptive marketing efforts. Then add a unique twist to them and come up with your own new marketing recipe.

• 3. Why should I experiment with disruptive marketing strategies?

• These strategies offer the possibility of extremely high ROI. They separate you from the average Joe.

• 4. What stops firms from disruptive marketing?

• The unwillingness to experiment and tread off the beaten path.

• 5. What are some disruptive marketing benefits?


• Some disruptive marketing benefits are affordability and a viral word-of-mouth effect.